Thursday 25 March, 2010

The Great Plot

For years the Shah (king) of Iran wanted to change things inside Iran. Of course he did lots of mistakes and many things happened and turned all his attempts against him in the end. One of these attempts was that he wanted to have a calendar for Iran that will dates back to king Cyrus’s (the Great) birth, and not Muhammad’s fled . By that time the uneducated people of Iran couldn’t understand the magic of their history and their 10 times better rulers and traditions than all the Islamic ones combined and they didn’t like that reform, it’s funny because now the people themselves want it.
So the Mullahs in Iran want to take power because if some of the many reforms of the Shah was successful they could lose some of their followers and as a result, money and power they had.
So they prepare a plot with the help of Saddam Hussein to overthrow the Shah. Saddam would attack against Iran and take the territories he called as Arabic (the Iranian territories in the Persian Gulf and the Iranian Kurdistan as well) and the rest of Iran would be ruled by the Mullah regime.
One other political target of overthrowing the Shah was to stop the alliance of Iran and Israel, an alliance that exists since the time of Cyrus and still continues in the heart of the people of both countries.
Also the western countries didn’t want to see a strong and indecent Iran because after the 1973 Israeli-Arab war the oil of Iran became valuable and the economy of Iran became strong, making Iran capable of becoming a leading power in world matters(something the western countries but also the Islamic ones didn’t want to see).
The conflicts started in 22 September 1980 and the victory in the beginning was Saddam’s because he had weapons from the western forces (US and UK mostly) and his pan-Arabic propaganda worked well, the Shah had some victories as well but again the Mullahs with their lies were able to have the public opinion with themselves and over throw the Shah of Iran.
When they took the power of Iran they continued the war with Iraq, but Saddam took back some forces, in order for the people of Iran to think that with the regime they had they can win.
Indeed the people of Iran fought like lions against every Iraqi attack and in the end they won.
But the prise was too heavy and the young generations pay it now, they won a war but they lost their freedom and their country to the worse regime in the world called Islamic regime.

Of course the Shah did real bad things to the people of Iran as well but the Islamic regime did and continue doing even worse not only to the people, but also to the history of Iran and Iran herself

The DNA of the Freedom Fighters

Monarchy,the Iranian way of living,something that the Iranians themselves like,part of their glory,part of their history.
It is said that Darius I (the Great) faced two other men that had claims on the Persian throne,both of them were representing two different political systems. One was representing republic and the other was representing oligarchy, of course Darius represented monarchy.
They faced each other infront of the Persians in the Persian capital and Darius(alongside with Monarchy ) won and so monarchy became the symbol of Persia for another 2500 years.

Some say that when a country has monarchy as her political system,that country is a country of slaves that will fight for nothing. That is a mistaken vista of them. Iran (the land of the Aryans) always had trouble with lots of people and conquerors like the Greek king Alexander,his successors as well,the romans,the arabs (that also brought islam) ,the mongols and in some rate the British and the Russians.
To all of them the people of Iran answered with rebellions,if even they had kings and queens,they were just the symbols of a great nationa that bow down to no one.Some great rebels of Iran were Babak Khorramdin who faced the arab muslims in order to restore both Persia and the real religion (zoroastrianism) and the Parthian kingdom as well,that faced the successor empire of the Seleucids.

Even now,the islamized Iran fights against the arabs that want the land of Iran(most recent example the Iraq-Iran war) and against the Islamic regime as well,which is nothing more than a regime of foreigners with a foreign religion as the state religion.
Future will tell if they can stand the test of time against the Aryan passion for freedom and the Aryan Flame that lights the path of many nations that want their own freedom against tyranny (like Israel did in 1948 and like Greece did in 1821).