Saturday 27 March, 2010

The 10 commandments of an Aryan

Be a noble man/woman in all of your life until the end of your days
Be a kind husband/wife and love your better half
Be a lover of art and literature, an Aryan can’t be a barbarian
Be a lover of knowledge and always seek to find her
Be a brave man/woman and always honor Iran no matter in which other Aryan country you have been born in.
To honor the Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism even if you are not a Zoroastrian
To defend your faith and your people against Ahriman(evil) and all of its forms
To love Nature because you are a part of Nature as well
To love all those who loves you and fight to the death your enemies
To remember the past so you can foreseen the future and create a better one

These are the 10 commandments of an Aryan, go an learn now.

Finio Victoria

In the end, Victory
In the end, the war that started more than 200 years ago ended
In the end, nobody was able to make a stand against the Aryan Flame and the Will to keep the land safe
In the end, after the death of thousands of people, after the suffering and the occupation Victory came to the Iranians
Greco- Iranian war, class of the titans, a war that lasted more than 200 years with high-casualties and suffering
The war that brought a new world order in the East and changed the face of the West
It started with the unsuccessful (for the Iranians) Greco-Persian war.
There the mistake of Persia was that the Persian army was a mass of mercenaries without any love for Iran and for the Empire. So, it was easy for the iron-armored and united Greek hoplites to defeat the Persian troops
And so Alexander conquered Iran
But then the war goes to another level, Greco-Parthian war.
The war of the Parthian (Pahlavi) kings against the successor empire of the Seleucids and the Greco-Bactrian kingdom
There the Iranians , having taken their lessons to have a national army armored with iron armor as well, they take the rematch and shock the world when the Parthian defeated the Greeks in a counter-attack and retake the land of Iran
This victory is the symbol of the victory of faith and patriotism over the superiority of the opponent (for a time) and the killing of the people as well
The final victory was the most important …. And you know my friends, history is doing circles, what happened in the past can be done in the future as well, but to do what we did in the past we must return to it again… go back to ancient Iran, learn for Her, love Her make Her your homeland and stand up for your rights and for your motherland against tyranny… “he conquers who endures”

Where the Aryans live?

The German idea of the Indo-Iranians and the indo-Europeans was at least a false one
As we can see from a map of the R haplogroup expansion not only Europe but also the middle east, India and even china (in some parts) have Aryan DNA. More, the so-called “inferior” Jews share the same DNA as the Iranians, which mean that we could say that the Jews are more “clean” Aryans than the Germans. Also that map proves that there is no “Semitic expansion from Arabia to the north” but we are talking again for Aryans in the place that Civilization started.
Also the second map, the map of the Greater Iran shows that the region of Caucasus is a part of Iran as well, so about the so called Caucasian DNA ,the G haplogroup , its also an Aryan one, the only difference is that the Iranian DNA and the other like that ( Jewish ,Assyrian, Egyptian, west Chinese and in a second expansion the Nordic one) are the Indo- Iranian and the DNA that come from the G is the Indo-European.
The mistaken thoughts of the scientists of the two previews centuries about the Aryan DNA have their roots in the case that Europeans back then didn’t want to find out from where they came from but they wanted to find a way to justify their heartless and cold colonial expansion over other people and the destruction of their civilization with the excuse that these civilizations were inferior to the European Aryan ones, when their real target were the rich in materials lands the other people had. In the beginning the Jews too were considered as Aryans by the German scientists but when they saw that the Jews in every country were better than the rest of citizens in these countries they wanted to built a legend of European superiority against the Jews
And that legend was the “Semitic people”. In their madness the European inverted a people “different from the Aryan one” by using a name from the Hebrew Bible to describe a “race” inferior to the “European Aryans”.
At the highlight of the European madness Hitler launch a campaign of terror not only against the Jews whom he considered as “inferiors” but also the rest of “Aryans” in Europe, because they were against the killing of innocent people who were just better than the Germans. Until today there are many Nazi(Neo-Nazi) who believe in what the European scientists were saying to justify the colonial terrorism and the ideas Hitler had, most of them call the name Aryan as something “superior” than the others, and most of times happen when someone knows that he is inferior to someone else and he/she wants to take him/her out by force, having the illusion that he/she can do it because of the “racial superiority”. How wrong and deceived all of them are. Their illusions are based in a great “industry” of hateful videos, TV shows and books that spread their lies about the Jews, the rest of Aryans as well and all the people that are seemingly different than the Europeans and the Americans as well.
Until the time that we will all understand that an Aryan is a man from the Middle east, Europe , India and partly in China we will never be united against common enemies and problems and we will always be in a war and victims on people that earn lots of money by using our uneducated minds.
I hope to all the Aryans from the depths of my soul … “ Good awakening”