Sunday 28 March, 2010

Curse of Islam and the dawn of the Aryans

Practically Islam is the curse of Ormazd to the people that lost their Zoroastrian flame.
How it happens? It’s easy to say. Ormazd and Ahriman are brothers Ahriman always want to harm and Ormazd stops him always.
But in the last days of the Sassanid empire the morality of the Iranians was low, they didn’t care for freedom like they should ,they didn’t fight for Iran like their ancestors did. They only wanted to loot places that were part of the Eastern Roman empire. That’s why Ormazd strikes them with His force 2 times. 1st the Sassanid empire lose an almost sure victorious war and then Islam comes. Ormazd did nothing to stop the religion of his brother Ahriman , because He wanted to make the Iranians understand that only if they are good people and fight for Iran and fight for their duty as Aryans (the 10 commandments of the Aryan people) only then they will be strong and free.

But lets talk with facts

Wars and civilization

1) Against the mighty

The 1st war the Iranians fought together as a team was against the Assyrians. The Assyrians were the best warriors of the world (and still their war machine is the best in history). The Assyrians are the native people of the north Mesopotamians region (modern Iraq). They had a huge (for the time) empire and they wanted even more.
An alliance of the Medes (Kurds) Babylonians (don’t exist anymore, native people of south Mesopotamia), The Scythians (Iranian speaking tribes in today’s south European Russia and Caucasus) and the Lydian people (people that inhabited the modern western part of Turkey, the Jewish kingdom of Judah and Egypt( for a while because Egypt fell to the Assyrians) managed to stop the might of the Assyrian empire and make it collapse and being replaced by these Kingdoms(apart from the kingdom of Judah, because it was conquered soon after by the Babylonian empire) .

2) Forge the Union

Soon after that the young Persian prince Cyrus (the great ) faced the Medes and defeated them, creating the Persian empire
An empire that soon , with the help of Ormazd (something that the Jews say as well) he conquered Lydia and Babylon setting free the Jews from the captivity and creating the 1st human rights in the history of Earth
Indeed he was the one that managed to separate humans from animals once and for all.

3) Aryan civil war

Policy of Persia under Darius 1st (the great) was to conquer whatever he could to glorify Persia.
He conquered part of India, northern tribes, Thracians and he had a plan to invade Scythia. His 1st stop was to defeat the “weak” Greeks.
But he failed (due to the weapons the Greeks had, their armor, their training and their union, something that didn’t exist between the hundreds of tribes of the Persian army)
Then Xerxes (the great) started a huge campaign against the Greeks, but due to the exhaustion, the size of the forces, and revolts in the empire again the Greeks(with all the things we said before about them) were victorious
After 150 years Alexander (the great) started his campaign and destroyed the Persian Achaemenid empire.
But in the end Iran won again, because the Greeks failed to pass the test of the flame of the Iranians to keep their motherland, the revolts and the victory of the Parthian forces brought an end to this long war (which was an Aryan civil war) with the Iranian Zoroastrians as victors once more.

4) Against tyranny

The Romans, the best civilization the western world can show to the future generations and one of the greatest empires in history, were a rude people who thought that all the others are barbarians and that they should rule all the world. These people came to taste the touch of destiny when they decided to invade Iran with a huge number of forces (43,000 troops) against only 10,000 Iranians led by a great general and hero of Iran called Surena. This battle was the battle of Carrhae and the results were a victory for the Iranians once more but also the downfall of the Roman republic and the beginning of the Myth that the Romans can defeat everyone apart from the Iranians because they lost 30,000 troops and the Iranians lost a bit more than 1000 troops.
Since then the Roman Empire would try everything to defeat Iran, in vain because in the future wars they will lose most of them.

5) Rise of the Persians

After the Parthian empire the Persians ruled Iran again with the last Iranian empire, the Sassanid empire
As long as they were Zoroastrians in their heart they crushed both of Rome and Arabs and the new opponent from the steppes.

6) Turanians, the ancient foe strikes again

It is said that in the place where whites live the western are the Aryans and the Eastern the Turanians. The Turanians were a mighty people with skilled warriors that conquered huge parts of Asia, their name today is known as Turks.
In the 5th and 6th century they moved to the whole Eurasia conquering land and looting villages and towns. Their mistake was that they wanted to take land from the Aryans. So, in the 6th century 2 wars happened with amazing results : 580.000 were the Turkish casualties and only 10.000 the Iranian casualties in both of these wars.

7) There is no surrender, there is no retreat

Rome, the foe of Parthia became also the foe of Persia. The Romans with the emperor Trajan managed to take the Mesopotamian region from the Parthian empire but after 100 years the Persians took it back. The Romans continued the war with Persia and they lost more than 3 emperors on the battlefield
One of them was the great Roman emperor Julian (the philosopher, or the Apostate for the Christians). The victories of Persia against Rome changed her forever as though the dead bodies of the Romans a new western civilization was born , the Byzantine one .

8) Ormazd’s wrath

In the last years of the Sassanid empire, agnosticism and disrespectful leaders, slaves of money, ruled Iran and so Ormazd allowed the new found religion of his brother Ahriman to destroy Iran and make it Islamic, to be punished until the time the people will wake up

9) 1st humiliation

The Turanians, long ago defeated, were the 1st plague for Iran
In almost 1000 CE they attacked to the weak Islamic Iran and destroyed Her. Iran due to Islamization and the foreign Arab rulers wasn’t able to stop Her opponent and lost many innocent people and whole cities were burned down. Humiliation is the name of that, because the Aryans became slaves to the Turanians, an easy opponent for the Zoroastrian Iranians.

10) 2nd humiliation

Mongols, a Turanian people as well, the Mongols were the 2nd plague for Iran and the 2st great plague to the whole world (after Islam). The Mongols were shamanists, they worshipped spirits, and with the help of a new leader called Genghis Khan the Mongols became the strongest force in the world. Genghis Khan destroyed an Islamic kingdom of Iran called Khwarezmian Empire and the slaughter of the Iranian people can’t be matched with anything that happened

11) 3rd humiliation

Almost anything, because another Turanian called Tamerlane also forged a turanian empire at the backs of the Aryan people. That man was a worse killer than Genghis Khan and he slaughtered so many innocent people that were again unable to stop him, because they still didn’t understand their mistakes and still were punished by Ormazd to be weak.

12) 4th humiliation

After some years the Iranians managed to have an Iranian kingdom once more, but still Islamic
That thing made them remain weak at the hands of the Turanians and losing often lands. Also That kingdom was also the last Iranian one (separated in many dynasties and starting from 1502 and ending in 1979). By that era the Iranian kingdom was humiliated by the Ottoman Turks, accepted western influence, but not good ones , because the empires of the West came to Iran only to control Her and take whatever they could from Iran and in the end the betraying situation of Islam and Arabs as well, leading to a war that ended the Persian kingdom, exposed the will of the Arabs to destroy Iran and the will of Islam to enslave Iran forever.

13) The coming back
“ The voice of the people is shaking the ground,
A thunder is sounding like an artillery pounding
Wrath of the people cast on Islam
Retaking Iran all alone “

June 13, 2009
By that time the people decited to return to Ormazd and strike the Islamic republic
Most of people (as we already said) are now followers of Zoroastrianism, the believe in it they fight for it , they show it and after the revolution they will be officially converted to it .
By the time of June 13 the whole world knows that the Aryans are now ready to say that they don’t want Islam
They want their nation, their unity, they civilization their true identity and their true selves, not the ones that the Arabs with Islam wanted to give to them.
Its now easy for them to see that Islam was the beginning of the destruction of Iran and if it continues Iran will be wiped out.
So they return to their roots and their greatness
They awake their Flame and fight for everything an Aryan has to fight for, Freedom at all costs.
Too long the Islamic government and Islam brought pain to Iran, killing people , trying to wipe out Zoroastrianism, to wipe out the Iranian and Aryan identity and civilization to allow Islam, the religion of slavery remain. For too long Islam hunted down the Baha’i faith, a faith born in Iran. The Iranians now say “that’s enough! “

Now the Iranians are ready to write the 14th part of their history , named as “ Aryan awakening”

But that title is the title that all the Aryans will have to write together, from Middle east and Europe to Americans, all the Aryans must fight the Islamic government by words and by hand , taking Islam out of Iran, setting the Motherland free and fight together to forge an Aryan core of universal and eternal Justice and Freedom.