Sunday 11 April, 2010

We are not considered as equals, these are our "friends"

They call the Iranians as Ajam which means non-clear (in Arabic dialect). Who else? Our “friends” the Muslim Arabs, always wanted to harm us. 1st they forced Islam on Iran, just to destroy Iran ( one of the targets of Islam) and then to call the Iranian Muslims with the humiliating word Mawali (which means non-Arab Muslim)
In a certain chapter of the Quran written by Muhammad himself it says :

Verily We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this, and over their ears, deafness, if thou callest them to guidance, even then will they never accept guidance. (18:57)

Written before the Islamic conquest of Persia, which means that the Persians (and Iranians as an extent) were never believed to be real Muslims, like the Arabs.

During the early centuries of Islam when the Islamic empire was really an 'Arab kingdom', the Iranians, Central Asians and other non-Arab peoples who had converted to Islam in growing numbers as Mawali or 'clients' of an Arab lord or clan, had in practice acquired an inferior socio-economic and racial status compared to Arab Muslims, though the Mawali themselves fared better than the empire's non-Muslim subjects, the Ahl al-dhimma ('people of the book'). The Mawali, for instance, paid special taxes, often similar to the Jizya (poll tax) and the Kharaj (land tax) levied on the Zoroastrians, the Jews and other non-Muslim subjects, taxes which were never paid by the Arab Muslims because they were “pure blooded” Muslims.

But lets not forget that most of Iranians are Muslim brothers of the Arabs…at least the papers say so and so its normal that there will be no war between Muslims, after all the Lord is One for all of them, or He is not for all of them ?

Lets remember the war of Saddam against Iran
We have already said that Saddam was part of a plot including the Western forces and the Mullahs in Iran, to overthrow the Shah that tried to do some more nationalist changes in Iran.
But Saddam as well was not a man of honor, he created the so-called Swords of Qādisīyah (which remind the lost battle of the Iranians against arabs in 636AD and the beginning of the Islamic dark age for the Iranian free spirit that continues even now), Saddam built this monument to show the “Arabic Muslim superiority against Iranians”.

Lets say about another Arab population (someone must love Iran from the Muslims…or not ? )

Palestinians, the “poor” foe of Israel
A foe that leads 3 terrorist organizations that the Iranian Islamic republic protect and gives arms. Are they friendly to the Iranians? Of course, like the government of Iran against Iranians, these Arabs are not friendly to Iranians. The pan-arabist national movement is against Iranians because “Iranians are not equal to Arabs”. Yasser Arafat actively supported Saddam Hussein in his war against Iranians.

Last hope of friendship is the Arabs that don’t live in any of these territories, lets say about an organization like Al-Quaeda. This organization is also against Persians because they are the “foes of the Arabs”
Also lets not forget that the Iranians were forced to leave Iraq by the time of Saddam Hussein and later because the Iranians were accused as spies of Iran and Israel
One more time we see that for the Arabs the Iranians are foes like the Israeli people. Its as a clear as the water of the mountains that the Aryans are what the Arabs hate, like Iran and Israel. Iran , if even was forced to be Islamic, was always thought to be not equal and even foe of the Arab Muslims.

Monday 5 April, 2010

And the "Coat of arms" becomes Persian !!

That dawn, envoy arise
Dawn of the era of freedom
No day, proven by deed
Descendant of Azaris, of Persian and Kurds
Look now, ready to fight
Islam charge on the streets
To arms, facing their fate
There's no surrender, there's no retreat !

Time after time, force the enemy out of Iran

Coat of Arms banners fly in the wind,
For the glory of Iran
Coat of Arms bringing freedom or death,
Blood of heroic Neda!

Their hate, pounding the land
Guardians killing people day and night
Enduring, 1400 years of Islam
Good bye invaders! Your raids are in vain!

Strike hard, the tables have turned,
Drive them back hard to the deserts
Dead arms, just like before,
Soldiers, civilians, a Nation at war !

By their own hand, force the regime out of their land

Coat of Arms banners fly in the wind
For the glory of Iran
Coat of Arms bringing freedom or death
Blood of heroic Neda!

Just like their ancestors ages ago
Fought in the place of the Aryans
Cause we will remember what the place were called
Freedom or death to the land!

Sunday 4 April, 2010

Worshipping the Females

Something foolish the Muslims use to do is to cover from the woman all that its beautiful of her
That’s something against nature(because by that way a woman attracts the feelings of a man) but also against the whole philosophy of what the female means to a male.
We have to worship and love above all our women and not to hide them, we don't have the right and we should never even think to hide their beauty and their personality and you will see why, though every day examples

Lets start from that , the females are the guardians of our house and of our joy and pleasure as well
The females are the the only persons on earth we can say the word “I love you” to them.
To one female we will mean this word forever , but many will hear that word
The word “I love you” is a promise that everything we do are dedicated to that very person that we want to share with her our greatest moments and our worse moments as well.
Of course a female our country is as well and we have to love our country, just like we have to love and respect our wife / girlfriend.
If we can show love and faith to our county we can achieve everything with hope and love.

Peace, that’s another female as well. As a female, peace asks us to do things more than the usual but if we do them we will please her and she will reward us with prosperity and evolution

Religion, that word is a female as well and it’s the union of our philosophy and fantasy or even the truth of the Creation and the world order
So if we can dedicate something to our religion (like a special day) we will please our soul and we will feel real happy inside and outside our body.

Hope, that thing also is a female and like a good wife that loves us hope never leaves us. Hope is always next to us even at the worse moments of our life.

Beauty, the specialty of women, that word is also a female as well and connected to our better half. Because it is something that people see on a woman that maybe others can’t see but we should never trouble our minds with what another one sees on our wife/girlfriend but what WE see on her and what SHE can see and love on us.

So Aryans remember always to be kind and love your wife/girlfriend because these females are our happiness and our only joy and the real profit of our life
These females bring to us sons and daughters ,stay with us till the end of our lives and help us to solve problems that we might have never been able to solve
Also remember that some people , can’t be with the women they want (for many reasons), so feel happy if you can be with the one you want.
And every time you have a fight it’s a good chance to buy her a present, from the most rare to the most simple gift and revive your love
Give her a kiss and a hug and tell her “I will love you forever, until my last moments of my life I want you to be with me and I want to be with you even in Heaven, because every second I am with you I feel like I am already in Heaven”.

Sing the National Anthem of Iran

Ey Irân, ey marz-e por-gohar
Ey khâkat sarchešme-ye honar
Dur az to andiše-ye badân
Pâyande mâni to jâvedân
Ey došman ar to sang-e khârei man âhanam
Jân-e man fadâ-ye khâk-e pâk-e mihanam
Mehr-e to chon šod pišeam
Dur az to nist andišeam
Dar râh-e to, key arzeši dârad in jân-e mâ
Pâyande bâd khâk-e Irân-e mâ
Sang-e kuhat dorr o gohar ast
Khâk-e daštat behtar az zar ast
Mehrat az del key borun konam
Bar-gu bi-mehr-e to chun konam
Tâ gardeš-e jahân o dor-e âsemân bepâ'st
Nur-e izadi hamiše rahnamâ-ye mâ'st
Mehr-e to chon šhod pišeam
Dur az to nist andišeam
Dar râh-e to key arzeši dârad in jân-e mâ
Pâyande bâd khâk-e Irân-e mâ
Irân, ey khorram behešt-e man
Roušan az to sarnevešt-e man
Gar âtaš bârad be peykaram
Joz mehrat dar del naparvaram
Az âb o khâk o mehr-e to serešte šod gelam
Mehr agar borun ravad tohi šavad delam
Mehre to chon šod pišeam
Dur az to nist andišeam
Dar râh-e to key arzeši dârad in jân-e mâ
Pâyande bâd khâk-e Irân-e mâ