Sunday 4 April, 2010

Worshipping the Females

Something foolish the Muslims use to do is to cover from the woman all that its beautiful of her
That’s something against nature(because by that way a woman attracts the feelings of a man) but also against the whole philosophy of what the female means to a male.
We have to worship and love above all our women and not to hide them, we don't have the right and we should never even think to hide their beauty and their personality and you will see why, though every day examples

Lets start from that , the females are the guardians of our house and of our joy and pleasure as well
The females are the the only persons on earth we can say the word “I love you” to them.
To one female we will mean this word forever , but many will hear that word
The word “I love you” is a promise that everything we do are dedicated to that very person that we want to share with her our greatest moments and our worse moments as well.
Of course a female our country is as well and we have to love our country, just like we have to love and respect our wife / girlfriend.
If we can show love and faith to our county we can achieve everything with hope and love.

Peace, that’s another female as well. As a female, peace asks us to do things more than the usual but if we do them we will please her and she will reward us with prosperity and evolution

Religion, that word is a female as well and it’s the union of our philosophy and fantasy or even the truth of the Creation and the world order
So if we can dedicate something to our religion (like a special day) we will please our soul and we will feel real happy inside and outside our body.

Hope, that thing also is a female and like a good wife that loves us hope never leaves us. Hope is always next to us even at the worse moments of our life.

Beauty, the specialty of women, that word is also a female as well and connected to our better half. Because it is something that people see on a woman that maybe others can’t see but we should never trouble our minds with what another one sees on our wife/girlfriend but what WE see on her and what SHE can see and love on us.

So Aryans remember always to be kind and love your wife/girlfriend because these females are our happiness and our only joy and the real profit of our life
These females bring to us sons and daughters ,stay with us till the end of our lives and help us to solve problems that we might have never been able to solve
Also remember that some people , can’t be with the women they want (for many reasons), so feel happy if you can be with the one you want.
And every time you have a fight it’s a good chance to buy her a present, from the most rare to the most simple gift and revive your love
Give her a kiss and a hug and tell her “I will love you forever, until my last moments of my life I want you to be with me and I want to be with you even in Heaven, because every second I am with you I feel like I am already in Heaven”.


  1. That sounds good...

    So we just keep our selves controlled by the nature as you wnat we will be in a jungle.

    I can take any women and do xxx with her becaue my nature drives me to do so.

    Then we will have a nation with unkwon fathers....

    Thank GOD... how clean and pure is Islam.

    Islam came to moderate the nature inside us for a better living which makes us humans and not animals.

  2. You preach ignorance and talk without knowing nothing. Those who do so curupt not only others but soon come to believe that there is no way to life but by 'their' standards, thus equaling to curruption and a country filled with prostitution, drugs, killings, robbery etc.

    Islam actually has the woman higher than the male,
    "Heaven is at the feet of your mother"

    Females in Islam are treated with the upmost respect. What is the stats on divorce in the muslim countries compared to the ever 'freedom' of the West ? Ask any convert to Islam you see, and they will cover and say 'Its THEIR choice'

    Islam teaches dignity in one another and not to be vain, vain teaches you to be better than one another, there are many reasons to why women cover, do you see women raping men ? Do you see women chasing men ? No, men have no beauty, God made the beauty and almost angelic appearance in humans in the 'Female'.

    Read the story of how 'Eve' came about. Read, before you spread your disease that you speak of ever so confidently.

    Women in Islam are treated with the upmost respect, stop getting your knowledge off a tv. Read, speak to others, then you shall find the real answer.

    I dont care if you curse me, but dont spread your ignorance is all I plea. The end of the day, may Allah have mercy on your actions.
