Wednesday 23 June, 2010

Biology and racism

the science that seperated our DNA in A B C D E F G...etc

The scince that normally should help us in understanding where we came from and how the climate of the world was back then that very science became the weapon of the racists

Because biology is no easy to be handled people with "smart phrases" always said lies to writte their own history

their greatest weapon was the fact that they were saying thing the people wanted to hear..what suited them to believe in and not what is true

1st of all...civillizations come from the will of some nations to be better than the others
there is no DNA master race or DNA master nation
the master people are people that always try,work,do mistakes,learn,fall to the ground and all the way up to the top

1)the greeks
Why the greeks speak an indo european language (most part) but they writte with a middle eastern system?
Its simple .... Macedonia,Epirus,Thrace..these 3 northern places of Greece are places were indo-europeans always lived (since the time of Trojan war and even more before)
but to the south , with the use of biology and excavations,we see that people that were middle easterns (semitic as they are called) lived.
but does this matter? no,they still are greeks because they share the same civillization and language

2)lets go to the East now
Our beloved Iran
place again for semites and indo-aryans
the Persians are people with appearance similar to Hindus
because they lived in what we now called Afghanistan for thousants of years (that's why the persians are called as "eastern Aryans")
so they had this indo-iranian DNA (R halpogroup)
but now we see that persians have also J halpogroup (middle eastern DNA)
did this fact stopped them from becoming the greatest civillization of the East? no
because again civillization doesnt come from DNA but from hard work and the will to become something better than other people

3)driven down to the beggining
The arab muslims are the only people that claim religions,places,populations,civillization
and when someone claims something that means that he/she never had or will have in the future the thing that they claim

4)The arabs say that they are the beggining of the semitic people because their DNA is 80% J
But that is not the case as well
their DNA claims are foolish because the J DNA was once fused with the I DNA group (which is the european DNA )
so the scientists found bones in Anatolia (today's turkey) that had the JI halpogroup..a union of middle eastern and european DNA
they lived there for thousants of years because they could have all they needed back then..water and food and wool to live and survive.
so the claim that people jumped out from deserts with no rivers is not something to take as reasonable
once they claimed that an arab tribe to the south iraq are the "closest desentants of the Sumerians"
the only problem in this claim is that we dont have a single skeleton of a sumerian
all we know is from their writting and what we know about their apperance doesnt come from DNA synthesis but from their statues.
so that is also an arabic claim with no reason to be taken as serious

5) what is middle east?

That question became so hard to be answered because some uneducated people of the 18th and 19th century supported a racist claim that we are 'arabid" which means taht all the middle easterns look like the arabs
that claim came to "excuse" the racist ideas that the "europeans were better than the middle easterns because the middle easterns are as fools as the arab muslims but the Europeans are good christian indo-europeans and a Master Race"
so with the term arabid they tried to hide the connection of europe to the middle east
So for more than 100 years people believed that the middle east only have 2 things
"arab muslims and evil jews"

But again the answer is so simple
the middle east is a collection of populations that worked together and lived between many rivers
which means they had enough food to live well and trade so they can have more resources from other places
and that thing was the fact that made many rullers to start seeing themselves as human gods (because their cities were prosperous) and unleash endless wars and bring slaves and materials and then built temples in their favour and theirs gods (which means science and more money)
and end up being the most civillized part on this Earth
and for that reason the middle east became the target of many populations
and so the DNA goes to ...J2 haplogroup
a new brance of the J (middle eastern DNA)
and its reasonable to thik that when something new comes it means that the old one is transformed
(for example a new Honda Civic is in fact the same model of car...but transformed to something else)
and so the people of the middle east were still middle easterns but they got mixed with other people
neither that stopped from them from becoming the 1st civillized and the richest part of Earth

7) what biology normally can't do

Biology can't seperate us in Arabs or Germans or Chinese or Hindus or Africans
because 50.000 years ago (for example) these countries and populations didn't exist
that's the most foolish claim of the racists
Bilogy tries to find out from which single populations our blood came and how it happend
so we can't give names from out populations because every population is a mix of other populations and not a single people (as the racist claim)

our example again the Persians of Iran
Aryans+ Hindu in the beggining
and then Aryans+Hindus+Elamites
does that make them less persian? no
does that makes them un-clean people? no
why they are still persians? because of their DNA? no
because of their civillization and way of living? yes

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