Wednesday 23 June, 2010

Biology and racism

the science that seperated our DNA in A B C D E F G...etc

The scince that normally should help us in understanding where we came from and how the climate of the world was back then that very science became the weapon of the racists

Because biology is no easy to be handled people with "smart phrases" always said lies to writte their own history

their greatest weapon was the fact that they were saying thing the people wanted to hear..what suited them to believe in and not what is true

1st of all...civillizations come from the will of some nations to be better than the others
there is no DNA master race or DNA master nation
the master people are people that always try,work,do mistakes,learn,fall to the ground and all the way up to the top

1)the greeks
Why the greeks speak an indo european language (most part) but they writte with a middle eastern system?
Its simple .... Macedonia,Epirus,Thrace..these 3 northern places of Greece are places were indo-europeans always lived (since the time of Trojan war and even more before)
but to the south , with the use of biology and excavations,we see that people that were middle easterns (semitic as they are called) lived.
but does this matter? no,they still are greeks because they share the same civillization and language

2)lets go to the East now
Our beloved Iran
place again for semites and indo-aryans
the Persians are people with appearance similar to Hindus
because they lived in what we now called Afghanistan for thousants of years (that's why the persians are called as "eastern Aryans")
so they had this indo-iranian DNA (R halpogroup)
but now we see that persians have also J halpogroup (middle eastern DNA)
did this fact stopped them from becoming the greatest civillization of the East? no
because again civillization doesnt come from DNA but from hard work and the will to become something better than other people

3)driven down to the beggining
The arab muslims are the only people that claim religions,places,populations,civillization
and when someone claims something that means that he/she never had or will have in the future the thing that they claim

4)The arabs say that they are the beggining of the semitic people because their DNA is 80% J
But that is not the case as well
their DNA claims are foolish because the J DNA was once fused with the I DNA group (which is the european DNA )
so the scientists found bones in Anatolia (today's turkey) that had the JI halpogroup..a union of middle eastern and european DNA
they lived there for thousants of years because they could have all they needed back then..water and food and wool to live and survive.
so the claim that people jumped out from deserts with no rivers is not something to take as reasonable
once they claimed that an arab tribe to the south iraq are the "closest desentants of the Sumerians"
the only problem in this claim is that we dont have a single skeleton of a sumerian
all we know is from their writting and what we know about their apperance doesnt come from DNA synthesis but from their statues.
so that is also an arabic claim with no reason to be taken as serious

5) what is middle east?

That question became so hard to be answered because some uneducated people of the 18th and 19th century supported a racist claim that we are 'arabid" which means taht all the middle easterns look like the arabs
that claim came to "excuse" the racist ideas that the "europeans were better than the middle easterns because the middle easterns are as fools as the arab muslims but the Europeans are good christian indo-europeans and a Master Race"
so with the term arabid they tried to hide the connection of europe to the middle east
So for more than 100 years people believed that the middle east only have 2 things
"arab muslims and evil jews"

But again the answer is so simple
the middle east is a collection of populations that worked together and lived between many rivers
which means they had enough food to live well and trade so they can have more resources from other places
and that thing was the fact that made many rullers to start seeing themselves as human gods (because their cities were prosperous) and unleash endless wars and bring slaves and materials and then built temples in their favour and theirs gods (which means science and more money)
and end up being the most civillized part on this Earth
and for that reason the middle east became the target of many populations
and so the DNA goes to ...J2 haplogroup
a new brance of the J (middle eastern DNA)
and its reasonable to thik that when something new comes it means that the old one is transformed
(for example a new Honda Civic is in fact the same model of car...but transformed to something else)
and so the people of the middle east were still middle easterns but they got mixed with other people
neither that stopped from them from becoming the 1st civillized and the richest part of Earth

7) what biology normally can't do

Biology can't seperate us in Arabs or Germans or Chinese or Hindus or Africans
because 50.000 years ago (for example) these countries and populations didn't exist
that's the most foolish claim of the racists
Bilogy tries to find out from which single populations our blood came and how it happend
so we can't give names from out populations because every population is a mix of other populations and not a single people (as the racist claim)

our example again the Persians of Iran
Aryans+ Hindu in the beggining
and then Aryans+Hindus+Elamites
does that make them less persian? no
does that makes them un-clean people? no
why they are still persians? because of their DNA? no
because of their civillization and way of living? yes

Sunday 11 April, 2010

We are not considered as equals, these are our "friends"

They call the Iranians as Ajam which means non-clear (in Arabic dialect). Who else? Our “friends” the Muslim Arabs, always wanted to harm us. 1st they forced Islam on Iran, just to destroy Iran ( one of the targets of Islam) and then to call the Iranian Muslims with the humiliating word Mawali (which means non-Arab Muslim)
In a certain chapter of the Quran written by Muhammad himself it says :

Verily We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this, and over their ears, deafness, if thou callest them to guidance, even then will they never accept guidance. (18:57)

Written before the Islamic conquest of Persia, which means that the Persians (and Iranians as an extent) were never believed to be real Muslims, like the Arabs.

During the early centuries of Islam when the Islamic empire was really an 'Arab kingdom', the Iranians, Central Asians and other non-Arab peoples who had converted to Islam in growing numbers as Mawali or 'clients' of an Arab lord or clan, had in practice acquired an inferior socio-economic and racial status compared to Arab Muslims, though the Mawali themselves fared better than the empire's non-Muslim subjects, the Ahl al-dhimma ('people of the book'). The Mawali, for instance, paid special taxes, often similar to the Jizya (poll tax) and the Kharaj (land tax) levied on the Zoroastrians, the Jews and other non-Muslim subjects, taxes which were never paid by the Arab Muslims because they were “pure blooded” Muslims.

But lets not forget that most of Iranians are Muslim brothers of the Arabs…at least the papers say so and so its normal that there will be no war between Muslims, after all the Lord is One for all of them, or He is not for all of them ?

Lets remember the war of Saddam against Iran
We have already said that Saddam was part of a plot including the Western forces and the Mullahs in Iran, to overthrow the Shah that tried to do some more nationalist changes in Iran.
But Saddam as well was not a man of honor, he created the so-called Swords of Qādisīyah (which remind the lost battle of the Iranians against arabs in 636AD and the beginning of the Islamic dark age for the Iranian free spirit that continues even now), Saddam built this monument to show the “Arabic Muslim superiority against Iranians”.

Lets say about another Arab population (someone must love Iran from the Muslims…or not ? )

Palestinians, the “poor” foe of Israel
A foe that leads 3 terrorist organizations that the Iranian Islamic republic protect and gives arms. Are they friendly to the Iranians? Of course, like the government of Iran against Iranians, these Arabs are not friendly to Iranians. The pan-arabist national movement is against Iranians because “Iranians are not equal to Arabs”. Yasser Arafat actively supported Saddam Hussein in his war against Iranians.

Last hope of friendship is the Arabs that don’t live in any of these territories, lets say about an organization like Al-Quaeda. This organization is also against Persians because they are the “foes of the Arabs”
Also lets not forget that the Iranians were forced to leave Iraq by the time of Saddam Hussein and later because the Iranians were accused as spies of Iran and Israel
One more time we see that for the Arabs the Iranians are foes like the Israeli people. Its as a clear as the water of the mountains that the Aryans are what the Arabs hate, like Iran and Israel. Iran , if even was forced to be Islamic, was always thought to be not equal and even foe of the Arab Muslims.

Monday 5 April, 2010

And the "Coat of arms" becomes Persian !!

That dawn, envoy arise
Dawn of the era of freedom
No day, proven by deed
Descendant of Azaris, of Persian and Kurds
Look now, ready to fight
Islam charge on the streets
To arms, facing their fate
There's no surrender, there's no retreat !

Time after time, force the enemy out of Iran

Coat of Arms banners fly in the wind,
For the glory of Iran
Coat of Arms bringing freedom or death,
Blood of heroic Neda!

Their hate, pounding the land
Guardians killing people day and night
Enduring, 1400 years of Islam
Good bye invaders! Your raids are in vain!

Strike hard, the tables have turned,
Drive them back hard to the deserts
Dead arms, just like before,
Soldiers, civilians, a Nation at war !

By their own hand, force the regime out of their land

Coat of Arms banners fly in the wind
For the glory of Iran
Coat of Arms bringing freedom or death
Blood of heroic Neda!

Just like their ancestors ages ago
Fought in the place of the Aryans
Cause we will remember what the place were called
Freedom or death to the land!

Sunday 4 April, 2010

Worshipping the Females

Something foolish the Muslims use to do is to cover from the woman all that its beautiful of her
That’s something against nature(because by that way a woman attracts the feelings of a man) but also against the whole philosophy of what the female means to a male.
We have to worship and love above all our women and not to hide them, we don't have the right and we should never even think to hide their beauty and their personality and you will see why, though every day examples

Lets start from that , the females are the guardians of our house and of our joy and pleasure as well
The females are the the only persons on earth we can say the word “I love you” to them.
To one female we will mean this word forever , but many will hear that word
The word “I love you” is a promise that everything we do are dedicated to that very person that we want to share with her our greatest moments and our worse moments as well.
Of course a female our country is as well and we have to love our country, just like we have to love and respect our wife / girlfriend.
If we can show love and faith to our county we can achieve everything with hope and love.

Peace, that’s another female as well. As a female, peace asks us to do things more than the usual but if we do them we will please her and she will reward us with prosperity and evolution

Religion, that word is a female as well and it’s the union of our philosophy and fantasy or even the truth of the Creation and the world order
So if we can dedicate something to our religion (like a special day) we will please our soul and we will feel real happy inside and outside our body.

Hope, that thing also is a female and like a good wife that loves us hope never leaves us. Hope is always next to us even at the worse moments of our life.

Beauty, the specialty of women, that word is also a female as well and connected to our better half. Because it is something that people see on a woman that maybe others can’t see but we should never trouble our minds with what another one sees on our wife/girlfriend but what WE see on her and what SHE can see and love on us.

So Aryans remember always to be kind and love your wife/girlfriend because these females are our happiness and our only joy and the real profit of our life
These females bring to us sons and daughters ,stay with us till the end of our lives and help us to solve problems that we might have never been able to solve
Also remember that some people , can’t be with the women they want (for many reasons), so feel happy if you can be with the one you want.
And every time you have a fight it’s a good chance to buy her a present, from the most rare to the most simple gift and revive your love
Give her a kiss and a hug and tell her “I will love you forever, until my last moments of my life I want you to be with me and I want to be with you even in Heaven, because every second I am with you I feel like I am already in Heaven”.

Sing the National Anthem of Iran

Ey Irân, ey marz-e por-gohar
Ey khâkat sarchešme-ye honar
Dur az to andiše-ye badân
Pâyande mâni to jâvedân
Ey došman ar to sang-e khârei man âhanam
Jân-e man fadâ-ye khâk-e pâk-e mihanam
Mehr-e to chon šod pišeam
Dur az to nist andišeam
Dar râh-e to, key arzeši dârad in jân-e mâ
Pâyande bâd khâk-e Irân-e mâ
Sang-e kuhat dorr o gohar ast
Khâk-e daštat behtar az zar ast
Mehrat az del key borun konam
Bar-gu bi-mehr-e to chun konam
Tâ gardeš-e jahân o dor-e âsemân bepâ'st
Nur-e izadi hamiše rahnamâ-ye mâ'st
Mehr-e to chon šhod pišeam
Dur az to nist andišeam
Dar râh-e to key arzeši dârad in jân-e mâ
Pâyande bâd khâk-e Irân-e mâ
Irân, ey khorram behešt-e man
Roušan az to sarnevešt-e man
Gar âtaš bârad be peykaram
Joz mehrat dar del naparvaram
Az âb o khâk o mehr-e to serešte šod gelam
Mehr agar borun ravad tohi šavad delam
Mehre to chon šod pišeam
Dur az to nist andišeam
Dar râh-e to key arzeši dârad in jân-e mâ
Pâyande bâd khâk-e Irân-e mâ

Sunday 28 March, 2010

Curse of Islam and the dawn of the Aryans

Practically Islam is the curse of Ormazd to the people that lost their Zoroastrian flame.
How it happens? It’s easy to say. Ormazd and Ahriman are brothers Ahriman always want to harm and Ormazd stops him always.
But in the last days of the Sassanid empire the morality of the Iranians was low, they didn’t care for freedom like they should ,they didn’t fight for Iran like their ancestors did. They only wanted to loot places that were part of the Eastern Roman empire. That’s why Ormazd strikes them with His force 2 times. 1st the Sassanid empire lose an almost sure victorious war and then Islam comes. Ormazd did nothing to stop the religion of his brother Ahriman , because He wanted to make the Iranians understand that only if they are good people and fight for Iran and fight for their duty as Aryans (the 10 commandments of the Aryan people) only then they will be strong and free.

But lets talk with facts

Wars and civilization

1) Against the mighty

The 1st war the Iranians fought together as a team was against the Assyrians. The Assyrians were the best warriors of the world (and still their war machine is the best in history). The Assyrians are the native people of the north Mesopotamians region (modern Iraq). They had a huge (for the time) empire and they wanted even more.
An alliance of the Medes (Kurds) Babylonians (don’t exist anymore, native people of south Mesopotamia), The Scythians (Iranian speaking tribes in today’s south European Russia and Caucasus) and the Lydian people (people that inhabited the modern western part of Turkey, the Jewish kingdom of Judah and Egypt( for a while because Egypt fell to the Assyrians) managed to stop the might of the Assyrian empire and make it collapse and being replaced by these Kingdoms(apart from the kingdom of Judah, because it was conquered soon after by the Babylonian empire) .

2) Forge the Union

Soon after that the young Persian prince Cyrus (the great ) faced the Medes and defeated them, creating the Persian empire
An empire that soon , with the help of Ormazd (something that the Jews say as well) he conquered Lydia and Babylon setting free the Jews from the captivity and creating the 1st human rights in the history of Earth
Indeed he was the one that managed to separate humans from animals once and for all.

3) Aryan civil war

Policy of Persia under Darius 1st (the great) was to conquer whatever he could to glorify Persia.
He conquered part of India, northern tribes, Thracians and he had a plan to invade Scythia. His 1st stop was to defeat the “weak” Greeks.
But he failed (due to the weapons the Greeks had, their armor, their training and their union, something that didn’t exist between the hundreds of tribes of the Persian army)
Then Xerxes (the great) started a huge campaign against the Greeks, but due to the exhaustion, the size of the forces, and revolts in the empire again the Greeks(with all the things we said before about them) were victorious
After 150 years Alexander (the great) started his campaign and destroyed the Persian Achaemenid empire.
But in the end Iran won again, because the Greeks failed to pass the test of the flame of the Iranians to keep their motherland, the revolts and the victory of the Parthian forces brought an end to this long war (which was an Aryan civil war) with the Iranian Zoroastrians as victors once more.

4) Against tyranny

The Romans, the best civilization the western world can show to the future generations and one of the greatest empires in history, were a rude people who thought that all the others are barbarians and that they should rule all the world. These people came to taste the touch of destiny when they decided to invade Iran with a huge number of forces (43,000 troops) against only 10,000 Iranians led by a great general and hero of Iran called Surena. This battle was the battle of Carrhae and the results were a victory for the Iranians once more but also the downfall of the Roman republic and the beginning of the Myth that the Romans can defeat everyone apart from the Iranians because they lost 30,000 troops and the Iranians lost a bit more than 1000 troops.
Since then the Roman Empire would try everything to defeat Iran, in vain because in the future wars they will lose most of them.

5) Rise of the Persians

After the Parthian empire the Persians ruled Iran again with the last Iranian empire, the Sassanid empire
As long as they were Zoroastrians in their heart they crushed both of Rome and Arabs and the new opponent from the steppes.

6) Turanians, the ancient foe strikes again

It is said that in the place where whites live the western are the Aryans and the Eastern the Turanians. The Turanians were a mighty people with skilled warriors that conquered huge parts of Asia, their name today is known as Turks.
In the 5th and 6th century they moved to the whole Eurasia conquering land and looting villages and towns. Their mistake was that they wanted to take land from the Aryans. So, in the 6th century 2 wars happened with amazing results : 580.000 were the Turkish casualties and only 10.000 the Iranian casualties in both of these wars.

7) There is no surrender, there is no retreat

Rome, the foe of Parthia became also the foe of Persia. The Romans with the emperor Trajan managed to take the Mesopotamian region from the Parthian empire but after 100 years the Persians took it back. The Romans continued the war with Persia and they lost more than 3 emperors on the battlefield
One of them was the great Roman emperor Julian (the philosopher, or the Apostate for the Christians). The victories of Persia against Rome changed her forever as though the dead bodies of the Romans a new western civilization was born , the Byzantine one .

8) Ormazd’s wrath

In the last years of the Sassanid empire, agnosticism and disrespectful leaders, slaves of money, ruled Iran and so Ormazd allowed the new found religion of his brother Ahriman to destroy Iran and make it Islamic, to be punished until the time the people will wake up

9) 1st humiliation

The Turanians, long ago defeated, were the 1st plague for Iran
In almost 1000 CE they attacked to the weak Islamic Iran and destroyed Her. Iran due to Islamization and the foreign Arab rulers wasn’t able to stop Her opponent and lost many innocent people and whole cities were burned down. Humiliation is the name of that, because the Aryans became slaves to the Turanians, an easy opponent for the Zoroastrian Iranians.

10) 2nd humiliation

Mongols, a Turanian people as well, the Mongols were the 2nd plague for Iran and the 2st great plague to the whole world (after Islam). The Mongols were shamanists, they worshipped spirits, and with the help of a new leader called Genghis Khan the Mongols became the strongest force in the world. Genghis Khan destroyed an Islamic kingdom of Iran called Khwarezmian Empire and the slaughter of the Iranian people can’t be matched with anything that happened

11) 3rd humiliation

Almost anything, because another Turanian called Tamerlane also forged a turanian empire at the backs of the Aryan people. That man was a worse killer than Genghis Khan and he slaughtered so many innocent people that were again unable to stop him, because they still didn’t understand their mistakes and still were punished by Ormazd to be weak.

12) 4th humiliation

After some years the Iranians managed to have an Iranian kingdom once more, but still Islamic
That thing made them remain weak at the hands of the Turanians and losing often lands. Also That kingdom was also the last Iranian one (separated in many dynasties and starting from 1502 and ending in 1979). By that era the Iranian kingdom was humiliated by the Ottoman Turks, accepted western influence, but not good ones , because the empires of the West came to Iran only to control Her and take whatever they could from Iran and in the end the betraying situation of Islam and Arabs as well, leading to a war that ended the Persian kingdom, exposed the will of the Arabs to destroy Iran and the will of Islam to enslave Iran forever.

13) The coming back
“ The voice of the people is shaking the ground,
A thunder is sounding like an artillery pounding
Wrath of the people cast on Islam
Retaking Iran all alone “

June 13, 2009
By that time the people decited to return to Ormazd and strike the Islamic republic
Most of people (as we already said) are now followers of Zoroastrianism, the believe in it they fight for it , they show it and after the revolution they will be officially converted to it .
By the time of June 13 the whole world knows that the Aryans are now ready to say that they don’t want Islam
They want their nation, their unity, they civilization their true identity and their true selves, not the ones that the Arabs with Islam wanted to give to them.
Its now easy for them to see that Islam was the beginning of the destruction of Iran and if it continues Iran will be wiped out.
So they return to their roots and their greatness
They awake their Flame and fight for everything an Aryan has to fight for, Freedom at all costs.
Too long the Islamic government and Islam brought pain to Iran, killing people , trying to wipe out Zoroastrianism, to wipe out the Iranian and Aryan identity and civilization to allow Islam, the religion of slavery remain. For too long Islam hunted down the Baha’i faith, a faith born in Iran. The Iranians now say “that’s enough! “

Now the Iranians are ready to write the 14th part of their history , named as “ Aryan awakening”

But that title is the title that all the Aryans will have to write together, from Middle east and Europe to Americans, all the Aryans must fight the Islamic government by words and by hand , taking Islam out of Iran, setting the Motherland free and fight together to forge an Aryan core of universal and eternal Justice and Freedom.

Saturday 27 March, 2010

The 10 commandments of an Aryan

Be a noble man/woman in all of your life until the end of your days
Be a kind husband/wife and love your better half
Be a lover of art and literature, an Aryan can’t be a barbarian
Be a lover of knowledge and always seek to find her
Be a brave man/woman and always honor Iran no matter in which other Aryan country you have been born in.
To honor the Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism even if you are not a Zoroastrian
To defend your faith and your people against Ahriman(evil) and all of its forms
To love Nature because you are a part of Nature as well
To love all those who loves you and fight to the death your enemies
To remember the past so you can foreseen the future and create a better one

These are the 10 commandments of an Aryan, go an learn now.

Finio Victoria

In the end, Victory
In the end, the war that started more than 200 years ago ended
In the end, nobody was able to make a stand against the Aryan Flame and the Will to keep the land safe
In the end, after the death of thousands of people, after the suffering and the occupation Victory came to the Iranians
Greco- Iranian war, class of the titans, a war that lasted more than 200 years with high-casualties and suffering
The war that brought a new world order in the East and changed the face of the West
It started with the unsuccessful (for the Iranians) Greco-Persian war.
There the mistake of Persia was that the Persian army was a mass of mercenaries without any love for Iran and for the Empire. So, it was easy for the iron-armored and united Greek hoplites to defeat the Persian troops
And so Alexander conquered Iran
But then the war goes to another level, Greco-Parthian war.
The war of the Parthian (Pahlavi) kings against the successor empire of the Seleucids and the Greco-Bactrian kingdom
There the Iranians , having taken their lessons to have a national army armored with iron armor as well, they take the rematch and shock the world when the Parthian defeated the Greeks in a counter-attack and retake the land of Iran
This victory is the symbol of the victory of faith and patriotism over the superiority of the opponent (for a time) and the killing of the people as well
The final victory was the most important …. And you know my friends, history is doing circles, what happened in the past can be done in the future as well, but to do what we did in the past we must return to it again… go back to ancient Iran, learn for Her, love Her make Her your homeland and stand up for your rights and for your motherland against tyranny… “he conquers who endures”

Where the Aryans live?

The German idea of the Indo-Iranians and the indo-Europeans was at least a false one
As we can see from a map of the R haplogroup expansion not only Europe but also the middle east, India and even china (in some parts) have Aryan DNA. More, the so-called “inferior” Jews share the same DNA as the Iranians, which mean that we could say that the Jews are more “clean” Aryans than the Germans. Also that map proves that there is no “Semitic expansion from Arabia to the north” but we are talking again for Aryans in the place that Civilization started.
Also the second map, the map of the Greater Iran shows that the region of Caucasus is a part of Iran as well, so about the so called Caucasian DNA ,the G haplogroup , its also an Aryan one, the only difference is that the Iranian DNA and the other like that ( Jewish ,Assyrian, Egyptian, west Chinese and in a second expansion the Nordic one) are the Indo- Iranian and the DNA that come from the G is the Indo-European.
The mistaken thoughts of the scientists of the two previews centuries about the Aryan DNA have their roots in the case that Europeans back then didn’t want to find out from where they came from but they wanted to find a way to justify their heartless and cold colonial expansion over other people and the destruction of their civilization with the excuse that these civilizations were inferior to the European Aryan ones, when their real target were the rich in materials lands the other people had. In the beginning the Jews too were considered as Aryans by the German scientists but when they saw that the Jews in every country were better than the rest of citizens in these countries they wanted to built a legend of European superiority against the Jews
And that legend was the “Semitic people”. In their madness the European inverted a people “different from the Aryan one” by using a name from the Hebrew Bible to describe a “race” inferior to the “European Aryans”.
At the highlight of the European madness Hitler launch a campaign of terror not only against the Jews whom he considered as “inferiors” but also the rest of “Aryans” in Europe, because they were against the killing of innocent people who were just better than the Germans. Until today there are many Nazi(Neo-Nazi) who believe in what the European scientists were saying to justify the colonial terrorism and the ideas Hitler had, most of them call the name Aryan as something “superior” than the others, and most of times happen when someone knows that he is inferior to someone else and he/she wants to take him/her out by force, having the illusion that he/she can do it because of the “racial superiority”. How wrong and deceived all of them are. Their illusions are based in a great “industry” of hateful videos, TV shows and books that spread their lies about the Jews, the rest of Aryans as well and all the people that are seemingly different than the Europeans and the Americans as well.
Until the time that we will all understand that an Aryan is a man from the Middle east, Europe , India and partly in China we will never be united against common enemies and problems and we will always be in a war and victims on people that earn lots of money by using our uneducated minds.
I hope to all the Aryans from the depths of my soul … “ Good awakening”

Friday 26 March, 2010

Baha'i faith, a new era for the people that want to have eternal peace

Bahá'í Faith

Seat of the Universal House of Justice, governing body of the Bahá'ís, in Haifa, IsraelBahá'í Faith
Central figures
The Báb · `Abdu'l-Bahá

Key scripture
Kitáb-i-Aqdas · Kitáb-i-Íqán
The Hidden Words
The Seven Valleys

Administrative Order
The Guardianship
Universal House of Justice
Spiritual Assemblies

The Bahá'í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in nineteenth-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories. Note: latest figure (2008) is estimated at 7.8 million. Indigenous tribes, races, and ethnic groups numbering at 2,112.
In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Abraham, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and others, and most recently the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh. In Bahá'í belief, each consecutive messenger prophesied of messengers to follow, and Bahá'u'lláh's life and teachings fulfilled the end-time promises of previous scriptures. Humanity is understood to be in a process of collective evolution, and the need of the present time is for the gradual establishment of peace, justice and unity on a global scale.

Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of humankind. From these postulates stems the belief that God periodically reveals his will through divine educators, whose purpose is to transform the character of humankind and develop, within those who respond, moral and spiritual qualities. Religion is thus seen as orderly, unified, and progressive from age to age.

Social principles
The following principles are frequently listed as a quick summary of the Bahá'í teachings. They are derived from transcripts of speeches given by `Abdu'l-Bahá during his tour of Europe and North America in 1912.The list is not authoritative and a variety of such lists circulate.
Unity of God
Unity of religion
Unity of humankind
Equality between men and women
Elimination of all forms of prejudice
World peace
Harmony of religion and science
Independent investigation of truth
Universal compulsory education
Universal auxiliary language
Obedience to government and non-involvement in partisan politics
Elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty
With specific regard to the pursuit of world peace, Bahá'u'lláh prescribed a world-embracing collective security arrangement as necessary for the establishment of a lasting peace.

Social practices
Main article: Bahá'í laws

Prayer in the Bahá'í Faith consists of obligatory prayer and devotional (general) prayer. Bahá'ís over the age of 15 must individually recite an obligatory prayer each day, using fixed words and form. In addition to the daily obligatory prayer, believers are directed to daily offer devotional prayer and to meditate and study sacred scripture. There is no set form for devotions and meditations, though the devotional prayers written by the central figures of the Bahá'í Faith and collected in prayer books are held in high esteem. Reading aloud of prayers from prayer books is a typical feature of Bahá'í gatherings.
Backbiting and gossip are prohibited and denounced.
Adult Bahá'ís in good health should observe a nineteen-day sunrise-to-sunset fast each year from March 2 through March 20.
Bahá'ís are forbidden to drink alcohol or to take drugs, unless prescribed by doctors.
Sexual relationships are permitted only between a husband and wife, and thus premarital and homosexual sex are forbidden. (See also Homosexuality and the Bahá'í Faith)
Gambling is forbidden.
Fanaticism is forbidden.
Adherence to ritual is condemned, with the notable exception of the obligatory prayers.
While some of the laws from the Kitáb-i-Aqdas are applicable at the present time and may be enforced to a degree by the administrative institutions,Bahá'u'lláh has provided for the progressive application of other laws that are dependent upon the existence of a predominantly Bahá'í society. The laws, when not in direct conflict with the civil laws of the country of residence, are binding on every Bahá'í, and the observance of personal laws, such as prayer or fasting, is the sole responsibility of the individual.

Persecution of Bahá'ís
The persecution of Bahá'ís is the religious persecution of Bahá'ís in various countries, especially in Iran, where the Bahá'í Faith originated and the location of one of the largest Bahá'í populations in the world. The origins of persecution stem from a variety of Bahá'í teachings that challenge traditional Islamic belief, including the finality of Muhammad's prophethood, and places Bahá'ís outside the Islamic faith.Thus Bahá'ís are seen as apostates from Islam, and, according to some, must choose between repentance and death.
Bahá'ís as well as the United Nations, Amnesty International, the European Union, the United States and peer-reviewed academic literature have stated that the members of the Bahá'í community in Iran have been subjected to unwarranted arrests, false imprisonment, beatings, torture, unjustified executions, confiscation and destruction of property owned by individuals and the Bahá'í community, denial of employment, denial of government benefits, denial of civil rights and and liberties, and denial of access to higher education.

Response from the United Nations
The United Nations responded to the Iranian government's accusations by stating that there has been no evidence of Iran's claims and that the Bahá'í community in Iran professes its allegiance to the state. The United Nations pointed to the Bahá'í teaching of obedience to the government of one's country and stated that any involvement in any subversive acts against the government would be antithetical to precepts of the Bahá'í religion. The United Nations also stated that if the Iranian government did acknowledge that the Bahá'í Faith is a religion, it would be an admission that freedom of religion does not apply to all in Iran and that it is not abiding by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights to which it is a signatory

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Thursday 25 March, 2010

The Great Plot

For years the Shah (king) of Iran wanted to change things inside Iran. Of course he did lots of mistakes and many things happened and turned all his attempts against him in the end. One of these attempts was that he wanted to have a calendar for Iran that will dates back to king Cyrus’s (the Great) birth, and not Muhammad’s fled . By that time the uneducated people of Iran couldn’t understand the magic of their history and their 10 times better rulers and traditions than all the Islamic ones combined and they didn’t like that reform, it’s funny because now the people themselves want it.
So the Mullahs in Iran want to take power because if some of the many reforms of the Shah was successful they could lose some of their followers and as a result, money and power they had.
So they prepare a plot with the help of Saddam Hussein to overthrow the Shah. Saddam would attack against Iran and take the territories he called as Arabic (the Iranian territories in the Persian Gulf and the Iranian Kurdistan as well) and the rest of Iran would be ruled by the Mullah regime.
One other political target of overthrowing the Shah was to stop the alliance of Iran and Israel, an alliance that exists since the time of Cyrus and still continues in the heart of the people of both countries.
Also the western countries didn’t want to see a strong and indecent Iran because after the 1973 Israeli-Arab war the oil of Iran became valuable and the economy of Iran became strong, making Iran capable of becoming a leading power in world matters(something the western countries but also the Islamic ones didn’t want to see).
The conflicts started in 22 September 1980 and the victory in the beginning was Saddam’s because he had weapons from the western forces (US and UK mostly) and his pan-Arabic propaganda worked well, the Shah had some victories as well but again the Mullahs with their lies were able to have the public opinion with themselves and over throw the Shah of Iran.
When they took the power of Iran they continued the war with Iraq, but Saddam took back some forces, in order for the people of Iran to think that with the regime they had they can win.
Indeed the people of Iran fought like lions against every Iraqi attack and in the end they won.
But the prise was too heavy and the young generations pay it now, they won a war but they lost their freedom and their country to the worse regime in the world called Islamic regime.

Of course the Shah did real bad things to the people of Iran as well but the Islamic regime did and continue doing even worse not only to the people, but also to the history of Iran and Iran herself

The DNA of the Freedom Fighters

Monarchy,the Iranian way of living,something that the Iranians themselves like,part of their glory,part of their history.
It is said that Darius I (the Great) faced two other men that had claims on the Persian throne,both of them were representing two different political systems. One was representing republic and the other was representing oligarchy, of course Darius represented monarchy.
They faced each other infront of the Persians in the Persian capital and Darius(alongside with Monarchy ) won and so monarchy became the symbol of Persia for another 2500 years.

Some say that when a country has monarchy as her political system,that country is a country of slaves that will fight for nothing. That is a mistaken vista of them. Iran (the land of the Aryans) always had trouble with lots of people and conquerors like the Greek king Alexander,his successors as well,the romans,the arabs (that also brought islam) ,the mongols and in some rate the British and the Russians.
To all of them the people of Iran answered with rebellions,if even they had kings and queens,they were just the symbols of a great nationa that bow down to no one.Some great rebels of Iran were Babak Khorramdin who faced the arab muslims in order to restore both Persia and the real religion (zoroastrianism) and the Parthian kingdom as well,that faced the successor empire of the Seleucids.

Even now,the islamized Iran fights against the arabs that want the land of Iran(most recent example the Iraq-Iran war) and against the Islamic regime as well,which is nothing more than a regime of foreigners with a foreign religion as the state religion.
Future will tell if they can stand the test of time against the Aryan passion for freedom and the Aryan Flame that lights the path of many nations that want their own freedom against tyranny (like Israel did in 1948 and like Greece did in 1821).

Wednesday 24 March, 2010

The Parsi community : 100% Persian/Iranian blood and civillization

What is more pure than the Fire?
Of course its the connection of the Parsi people and the Persian DNA and civillization.

Parsi refers to a member of a Zoroastrian community in India. The religion of a Parsi is Zoroastrianism and his or her DNA is pure persian. The Parsi people (which name means Persian) were people that escaped Iran after the Islamic conquest of Persia and saved the Persian religion and civillization and the Persian bloodline as well. A child is considered as Parsi only if both of parents are Parsi. That is a gift and a problem as well because by that way they keep their DNA clean but they quickly lose population (for every parsi birth we have five deaths).
The Parsi people are extremely smart and successful but also real rich. In India they were merchants,the most successful ones until our days. In their diaspora(Britain,USA mostly) these people formed communities similar to the ones in India.
Again the became real successful and rich even there. Some Parsi examples are Freddie Mercury(artist and part of the legendary band Queen) and Zubin Mehta(an Indian-born conductor of Western classical music).
These people by their own will accepted to pay the price so they can keep the persian civillization alive (like we said before,they have a small birth rate ),they want to save what they can from the old Persian civillization and (in the right time) give that civillization to the Iranians as well and revive the Persian civillization,religion and glory
Today 110,000 Parsi live in the whole world but there is always hope that in the future their iranian relatives will try to find and reclaim the real religion of Persia(like we said,its already happening but the regime in Iran doesn't allow the people either to convert or to just learn about the roots of the Iranians and their civillization)

Tuesday 23 March, 2010

Zoroastrianism is alive and strong in Iran till our days and it wll become stronger in the future

Iranians,even those who are practicing Muslims hold a great veneration of their ancient religion,Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion an it takes name after the teachings of the prophet,Zarathushtra. He revealed that there was only one God,Ahura Mazda and that life in the physical world was a battle between good and evil. Zoroastrianism flourished in Persia,now called Iran,for more than 3,000 years,greatly influencing Judaism(some say that Judaism is the same religion like Zoroastriansim but in another place),Christianity and in a great part Islam as well. Concepts such as heaven and hell,God(Ormazd) and the evil adversary Ahriman,the coming of the Saviour or Saoshyant(Messiah in Hebrew) born of a virgin (like Jesus's story) the end-time purge of the world by Fire followed by the resurrection of the dead (Ristakhiz),the making fresh of the world (Frashogard) and the final battle between good and evil leading to the final defeat of the evil. These beliefs filtered down to Judaism during the regin of King Khushru (Cyrus the great) of Iran and then on to Christrianity. Zoroastrianism was decimated by the Arab invasion of Persia in 651. After Iran's incorporation into the islamic empire, the majority of its population was gradually converted from Zoroastrianism to Islam(by force and by taxes because they were non-believers)a process that was probably complete by the tenth century. During the Qajar era (1781-1925),there was considereble prejudice against Zoroastrians. In the mid-noneteenth century,several thousands Zoroastrians emigrated from Iran to British-ruled India to improve their economic and social status.Today about 200,000 zoroastrians live in India where they are known as Parsi. Iran's Islamic leaders ave tried for centuries to sweep away all trace of Zoroastrianism from the country,but it has managed to survive to this day not only in India where many Zoroastrians have fled but also in Iran where about 30,000 people still practice it,with 6,000 in the city of Yazd.
Today more and more Iranians especially the younger generations and the intellectual classes desire to redscover the faith of their forefathers,and are practicing their old religion Zoroastrianism,however this is done in secret. Islam bans its adherents from converting, and Muslims in Iran who renounces his or her faith can face a death sntence. Caught between a religion taht will not allow them out and one that will not let them in, many Iranians practice Zoroastrianism in secret. People are tired of the mullahs. If Iranians were allowed to convert,millions would convert to Zoroastrianism because most of the iranians believe that Islam is religion taht does not belong to them but to the Arabs who imposed it on them.
There are also evidence taht people in Tajikistan,Uzbekistan and in some Kuridish regions are rediscovering their Zoroastrian and Persian roots. A secularized version of Nowruz (the traditional Zoroastrian New year, in increasingly being celebrated across the region).
These tremors of change excite many Zoroastrians,who despite their demographers troubling estimates,think that their religion is poised to witness a renaissance. But such change also makes many uncomfortable. Zoroastrian religious leaders do not have the ability to deal with any political backlash from Iran's radical Islamists or Indian' Hindu nationalits, who also oppose religious conversions.
Its easy to understand that these two big in number religions (Islam and Hinduism) are afraid of the idea that Zoroastrianism can revive in many of their regions and most of their leaders care about money and influence,something that they will lose if Zoroastrianism is again a dominating religion in this region